Customer Experience as a Service 


We at LNKASIA believe in customer experience not in customer service. Customer experience is the sum of all your customer’s experiences of our business and brand. We take proactive approach rather reactive. We at LNK ASIA analyze and implement processes for CX. we know that delivering the best CX is a competitive advantage. But measuring it accurately is a challenge. With so many levers—quality, price, situation, motivation, and emotion.

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Designing the customer experience of the future.

 “When we talk about customer experience, we always add an apostrophe: the customer’s experience”. Because we tend to think about design and technology from the inside out. We connect dots between your executives and what actually customers want. 

Our CX expertise includes CX consulting, journey orchestration, design thinking, data science, and core processes improvement. Our CXaaS can help companies improve CSAT and ultimately result in to recurring sales and establishing brand value.

We do analyze and follow below steps,

Customer in center

Putting the customer at the center of your brand interaction strategy


Keeping up with future customer expectations by innovating, not iterating


Using technology to be more empathetic and earn customer loyalty and do digital transformation.