​Data Protection as a Service


Powerful data protection , secure remote access , and streamlined IT management in a unified platform.


Ransomware protection is critical in today’s business environment. That’s because every day cyber threats grow in sophistication and number. Although proactive monitoring systems, firewalls and related proactive protective systems can help reduce the risk of ransomware, they cannot guarantee data safety. 

The only way to guarantee data safety and security against ransomware attacks is with an automated, ongoing cloud-based backup solution that maintains complete copies of your emails, attachments, tasks and calendars – and your websites and databases – in a separate, secure system. Should a ransomware attack happen, you can restore your backed-up files easily and quickly — which can significantly reduce the impact such an attack might cause.

PIE- Cloud or on premises Data Backup for Business Continuity and Compliance .PIE simplifies data back up in secured manner so you can focus on delivering what your business does best, providing value and growth. Effortlessly backup, be a backup hero by safeguarding your critical business data with the easiest to use suite of PIE backup and top-quality service to guide you.

Back up

Powerful cross-platform back up and disaster recovery that leverages the public cloud to enable a comprehensive data protection strategy

Remote Management 

Streamline IT management with a painless, cost -efficient end point management solution, access unlimited end points at no additional cost

Remote Access

Securely access and control devices, servers to faster resolve the issues. take advantage of connection, regardless of computer's global location.

Automate the Backup Process Easily Our single-pane-of-glass admin panel provides ease of use and provides one click solution.


Ransomware Protection and Avoid High Cost of Business Data Loss through Backup

User Experience

Simple, intuitive interface that is packed with useful and powerful features, including insights and analytics


 Responsive Team

Expert training and technical support delivered by passionate team of LNK ASIA TECHSOL. We provide managed services also for our PIE - DPaaS platform

Best In Class Backup and IT Management Software Solution


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